EnglishChevron up in Silver


General Terms and Conditions (T&Cs)


Valid from: 19/10/2021



Airport Casino Basel AG (ACB) runs its ‘GOLDEN GRAND’ online casino via the website goldengrand.ch and via other interfaces such as mobile apps. Players can take part in games as ‘test players’ with no money at stake or as ‘money players’ with money at stake.

All rights in connection with ‘GOLDEN GRAND’ apply exclusively to ACB, Flughafenstr. 225, 4056 Basel, Switzerland. ACB is supervised by the Federal Gaming Board (www.esbk.admin.ch). ACB is the holder of Swiss casino licence number 516-004 and the holder of the licence extension to include the right to operate online gambling under the licence extension number 516-004-01.

The Federal Act on Gambling (Bundesgesetz über Glücksspiele, BGS) of 29 September 2017 and the Ordinance on Gambling (Verordnung über Geldspiele, VGS) of 7 November 2018 as amended apply in particular, but do not apply exclusively.





Accepting these T&Cs is a prerequisite for the establishment of the business relationship. The T&Cs govern the use of content and services offered here, which players or interested visitors can access. 

These T&Cs are deemed to have been accepted by the player as soon as they declare their consent by clicking on the confirmation field provided during registration. By clicking on it, the player accepts and recognises the rules of the game, the bonus and promotion terms and conditions, and the privacy policy as amended.

ACB reserves the right to change these T&Cs at any time. Any amendments or supplements to the T&Cs will be announced on the gaming website and sent to the player by email. The player is obliged to check the current T&Cs on a regular basis. If the player does not accept the changes, they can contact ACB customer service (support@goldengrand.ch) and request the closure of their account at any time.





To be able to use the range of games, a player account must be opened (Article 47 of the VGS). It’s free to open a player account. The requirements that must be met to open a player account are that the player must be of legal age, have their place of residence in Switzerland and not be subject to a suspension (Article 80 of the BGS) or a gambling ban (Article 52 of the BGS). There is no general entitlement to account registration and participation in games. The following information is required for registration:


  • Last and first names
  • Date of birth
  • Place of residence (in Switzerland)
  • Gender
  • Nationality
  • Valid email address
  • Telephone number
  • Pseudonym (‘username’)



The player has no entitlement to a specific username. The username must be unique and clearly identifiable. Insulting or offensive names are not permitted. Usernames that contain an internet link or allude to an internet link or usernames that allude to certain user rights are also prohibited (in particular, use of the term ‘administrator’ is reserved for the operator). ACB reserves the right to suspend accounts that have unacceptable usernames. Accounts can be reactivated once a suitable and acceptable alternative has been chosen.

Registration details, permitted ID and means

All registration details must be correct and proven by means of an official ID (identity card, passport, driver’s licence), an electronic ID or other equivalent means permitted by the competent supervisory authority (Article 49 of the VGS). 

ACB’s inspection rights

ACB is entitled to request further documentation and information at any time to be able to check without restriction the identity, age, place of residence or the method used to make deposits. ACB is also entitled to ask about the origin of the funds used by the player at ACB at any time. On request, the player is required to provide ACB with evidence that they have sufficient financial resources to play for money. 

ACB is entitled to verify the player account information at any time and, using the information provided during registration, carry out checks, particularly regarding the player’s creditworthiness or place of residence, including with the assistance of third parties (e.g. credit agencies such as Crif, Teledata, KYC Spider, etc.).

Registration confirmation

The player will receive a confirmation email sent to the email address they provided after the account has been created and verified by ACB. After the email address has been confirmed, sums of money can be paid into the player’s account to play for money in accordance with the further provisions of these T&Cs.




Only one account can be opened per player (Article 47 of the VGS). The account belongs to the player and cannot be given to a third party to use. It is the sole responsibility of the player/account holder to keep their login details safe. ACB is not responsible for any misuse of login details by third parties and the resulting consequences.

Furthermore, if the customer account is used by a third party or if there is any suspicion in this regard, ACB reserves the right to suspend the account and to withhold any balances. The player must ensure that registration data is kept up-to-date and that any necessary changes to their name, address or email address are reported to ACB customer support (support@goldengrand.ch) immediately so that customer support can update the data.

If login details can no longer be found, the player must contact customer service (support@goldengrand.ch). If there are any changes that prevent the player from playing at Swiss online casinos and these are not reported in good time, losses cannot be reimbursed and winnings cannot be paid out, taking Article 52 [4] of the VGS into account.

Article 52 [4] of the VGS: If the organiser finds that the player does not meet the requirements of Article 47 [3], any active balance will be transferred to a payment account in their name. The maximum amount to be transferred is the total amounts the player has deposited. Any surplus will be transferred to the OASI compensation fund if the organiser is a casino, or made available for charitable purposes if the organiser is a games organiser.





A provisional player account will be opened following registration. For a full account to be opened, the player must submit a copy of an official ID, as well as confirmation of their address. This could be a utility bill, i.e. a copy of an electricity, TV or internet bill, a bank statement, or similar proof approved by ACB. These documents can either be sent using the upload function available in the customer account, by email (support@goldengrand.ch) or by post. Automatic checks by ACB remain unaffected by this.

If the requested documents are not submitted within 30 days, the provisional account will be suspended.

Article 52 [2]: 2 The organiser will check the identity no later than one month after the provisional opening, in accordance with Article 49. If the player meets the requirements of Article 47 [3], a final player account will be opened.






The player account is held in Swiss Francs (CHF) and is added to by player deposits, winnings and free game credit conversions. Free game credits granted by the organiser do not form part of the active balance (Article 50 of the VGS).

The game credit belongs to the player personally, is non-transferable and does not earn interest (Article 69 [4] of the BGS). 

If the game credit is not sufficient to place a wager, it is not possible to take part in the game. The game credit cannot go into negative balance. Granting loans or advances is not permitted (Article 75 of the BGS).

Deposits can only be made once the account has been approved and activated by ACB for transferring money via the payment methods offered. Deposits can be made using a personal bank account, credit/debit card, electronic wallet or other payment method offered by ACB. ACB does not guarantee constant availability of all payment methods and reserves the right to change accepted payment methods at any time at its own discretion.

The account is used exclusively to facilitate participation in the game. In particular, it may not be used to park or transfer funds to third parties. The funds deposited into the account should be used at least once.



According to Article 50 of the VGS, payouts may only be transferred to a payment account in the player’s name.

For winnings to be paid out, the player must submit the following documents within 30 days of provisional registration: 


  • copy of an official photo identification document (passport, ID, driver’s licence), either in electronic form or in paper form; and
  • proof of a payment account in the name of the owner of the player account.


Article 49 of the VGS: The organiser opens the player account when it has checked that the information provided by the player is true and provided that the requirements of Article 47 [2] and [3] have been met.

Article 52 [2] of the VGS: The organiser will check the identity no later than one month after the provisional opening, in accordance with Article 49 of the VGS. If the player meets the requirements of Article 47 [3], a final player account will be opened.

ACB has the right to request new identification documents or other information at any time during the payout process.

If the player account has been opened provisionally, the player’s transfers cannot exceed CHF 1,000 and the player cannot withdraw their winnings (Article 52 of the VGS). ACB can refuse a payment transaction (deposit/payout) if there is suspicion of fraudulent intent or if the payment transaction infringes the law in any other way.

For technical reasons, a payout request cannot be made while the user is in a play session.

If there are malfunctions or errors on the play platform, ACB is entitled to cancel the game(s) and only return the original wager(s) to the player.

If the holder of a provisional player account does not comply with the provisions of Article 52 of the VGS or if the player violates them, any active balance will be transferred to a payment account in the player’s name. Only the total amounts the player has deposited will be transferred. Any surplus amounts are transferred to the OASI compensation fund (Article 45 of the BGS).

If there are malfunctions or errors on the play platform, ACB is entitled to cancel all wagers and return the original wager to the player.

ACB reserves the right to withdraw payments made in error at any time. 


Wins in excess of CHF 1'038'301 are subject to anticipatory tax. Golden Grand Casino is obliged to withhold this tax and pay it to the tax administration.


Anti-money laundering

The player may only deposit money into the player account for which they are the beneficial owner. The player is not permitted to deposit money into the player account if they know or can assume it originates from criminal or illegal activities, or using a payment method they are not authorised to use. In the event of a breach, the organiser is entitled and obliged to take the measures provided for in accordance with the statutory provisions. 

At the organiser’s request, the player must indicate the beneficial owner and the origin of all transactions made in connection with the player account (FGB Money Laundering Ordinance, ‘AMLO-FGB’). If it has any suspicions, ACB has the right and the legal obligation to report the matter to the competent authorities.





A player account is considered to be inactive if it has not been used for 24 consecutive months (Article 51 [1] of the VGS). ACB will contact the player by email should the account become inactive. After this inactive period, ACB will transfer the remaining amount (without any bonus credit) to a payment account recorded in the player’s account. 

If the player’s payment account details are invalid and ACB is unable to contact the player despite making reasonable efforts to do so that are proportionate to the amount in question, ACB will keep the credit at the player’s disposal for 24 months. After this period, the balance shall be transferred to the OASI compensation fund (Article 51 [3] of the VGS).





ACB is entitled to close a player account at any time without stating reasons and without prior notice (Article 53 of the BGS). Funds that are in the player’s account at the time of closure will be transferred to a bank account in the player’s name.

ACB is required to close the player account if…


  • the player requests that it does so (Article 51 of the VGS);
  • it finds that the player no longer meets the requirements to open a player account under Article 47 [3] of the VGS (Article 51 of the VGS);
  • the player account has been inactive for more than two years (Article 51 of the VGS); or
  • it is suspected that the money used to make deposits is of questionable origin (e.g. if the suspicion of money laundering is confirmed following an investigation and a report has been made according to Article 9 of the AMLA [Article 9 AMLO-FGB]. However, a break in the business relationship only applies in exceptional cases [Article 20 of the AMLO-FGB]).





ACB offers various measures to protect the player from potential gambling risks.


Gambling restrictions and controlling your own behaviour

On registration, the player is required to set a maximum limit or several maximum limits they would like to restrict daily, weekly or monthly losses to.

The player can change the maximum limits they have set at any time. If the maximum value is decreased, this takes effect immediately. If the maximum value is increased, this will take effect no earlier than 24 hours later. The player is free to change these values at any time (Article 87 of the VGS).


Information about wins and losses

The player can access information about their gambling behaviour, wagers, wins and losses and the net outcome of their gambling activity in their player account at any time.


Confirmations of winnings

In accordance with Article 70 BGS, ACB does not issue confirmations of winnings.



The player can take a self-test to assess their own gambling behaviour at any time.


Temporary exit from play

The player has the option to temporarily exit play, i.e. for a self-determined period of a maximum of six months, at any time (Article 89 of the VGS). After this period has expired, temporary exit from play is automatically lifted.



ACB is legally obliged to issue a suspension if it is suspected that someone is heavily indebted, is not meeting financial obligations or is placing bets that are disproportionate to their income and assets. In addition, ACB suspends players it knows are addicted to gambling or must assume are addicted to gambling based on a report from a specialist agency or social authority. A suspension extends to gambling in casinos and online, as well as gambling to which intercantonal authorities have extended the suspension. Any player can request a suspension from a casino or gambling organiser that imposes suspensions. ACB will notify the data subject of the suspension in writing, stating the reasons for this (Article 80 of the BGS). Voluntary suspension can only be lifted after three months at the earliest (Article 84 [1] of the VGS).





Data protection is set out in the ‘Privacy Policy of Airport Casino Basel AG’.





ACB carefully and professionally provides services within the scope of its operational resources and the foreseeable requirements. The player is aware that ACB provides all services via the internet or using communication networks. There may be temporary impairments or interruptions to the provision of services by ACB, particularly due to technical faults, operational disruptions, errors or interruptions with respect to communication networks or failures with respect to IT infrastructures, telephone lines or other parts of infrastructure used to provide services. As such, ACB cannot guarantee that its services have uninterrupted availability and are free from errors. ACB is not liable for any loss of actual or virtual winnings caused by interrupted games or tournaments.

ACB does not intend for its website to be used for gambling or for other purposes by users in countries where such activities are illegal (e.g. when on holiday in these countries, the general rule is that player accounts are only opened if the player has their place of residence or habitual abode in Switzerland [Article 47 [3] of the VGS]). The ACB website does not constitute an offer, solicitation or invitation to use games or other services in countries where such activities are prohibited by law. Each user is responsible for determining the law that applies in their respective location.

ACB secures systems against computer virus attacks. However, virus attacks can never be completely ruled out. In addition, unauthorised third parties may send emails using ACB’s name or the name of the ACB brand ‘GOLDEN GRAND’ without ACB’s consent, which may, as an example, contain viruses or spyware or links to web content containing viruses or spyware. ACB has no control over this. Accordingly, ACB rejects any liability in this context. Each player is responsible for the technical configuration of their computer or end device.





By using the services on ACB’s website, the player acknowledges that all content on the ACB website is the sole intellectual property of ACB. You are only permitted to use the available content and information for personal purposes. Use of the intellectual property for any other purpose is not permitted.

The ACB website may contain references to third-party rights. Players must observe such rights.

By registering on the website, the player acknowledges that the exclusive intellectual property rights in these T&Cs belong to ACB.

Should one of the provisions of these T&Cs be or become invalid, the remaining provisions of the contract shall remain valid in full force and effect. 





Relationships between players and ACB are exclusively subject to Swiss law. The place of jurisdiction for all rights arising from or in connection with this legal relationship is Basel, Switzerland.





The bonus regulations are set out in the ‘General Bonus Terms and Conditions for GOLDEN GRAND’.





If there are differences between the different language versions for the T&Cs, the German version shall be binding. 






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